Program Type:
Reading and Early LiteracyProgram Description
Event Details
Get ready to discover with story characters how they can turn their hobbies into jobs and make decisions about earning, spending, and saving money. It's a fun way to learn about money and practice making smart choices! This interactive storytime is recommended for ages 3-8.
Prepárate para descubrir con los personajes de la historia cómo pueden convertir sus pasatiempos en trabajos y tomar decisiones sobre cómo ganar, gastar y ahorrar dinero. ¡Es una forma divertida de aprender sobre el dinero y practicar cómo tomar decisiones inteligentes! Edad recomendada: mayores de 3 años.
Thinking Money for Kids is an initiative of the American Library Association and the FINRA Investor Education Foundation.
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All events at the Glendale Public Library are public, and participants may be photographed by the media and/or City staff for future print and/or online publication.