Age Group:
Children 3-5Program Description
Event Details
The TAG Lab (PI: Schea Fissel Brannick – Insta/TikTok @SFB_Research &, with the Midwestern University Speech-Language Pathology Program (Glendale, AZ) is hosting Family Literacy Night (FLN) in partnership with Heroes Regional Park Libraries!
The FLN is a free family-centered shared reading event for parents and their children, ages two to four years old (Older/Younger siblings are always welcome)! The FLN is movement-based for all wiggly littles, accessible for those with disabilities, and is conducted immersively in Spanish and English languages. Join us to read, craft, sign, move, and learn tips and tricks that make reading fun and engaging for young children!
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All events at the Glendale Public Library are public, and participants may be photographed by the media and/or City staff for future print and/or online publication.